Spinsters don't usually curse because it is foul and unladylike. But you know there are moments when it is really hard...like really really hard.
Exhibit A:
There I was on my way to work. A man sits next to me. He seems nice enough. He begins to ask me about my book. Fine. I will tell him about my book. I don't mind talking to strangers.
Then he asks what I do. Fine. I will tell him that I have a job, but I won't give any specifics.
He asks where I am from. Fine. I tell him.
Then I see it. The bare wedding finger. Uh-oh. I just thought this was a friendly man trying to make some light conversation before work.
Then it happens. "Could I take you to dinner sometime?"
Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck times 100 billion!
In my head I want to say....
"What the bleep, man? You are at least 30 years older than me. What do you want to talk about at dinner- How your grandson is STILL older than me? How many young girls do you actually get to go to dinner with you? What are you thinking?"
Instead I replied. "No, I have a boyfriend," because it is a-okay to lie to older men who don't have a clue.
To that he responded, "Oh, that is really disappointing."
Three things run through my mind.
a. Do I look like I am 50 years old? (great. I have lost my bloom.)
b. I should yell and point at this man and say "Spinsters, BEWARE!" (because yes, I will fight fire for all of you.)
c. why didn't the dapper young professional with the rockin' skinny tie sit by me so that I wouldn't have had to deal with any of this? (sigh)
It's fine but mostly creepy,
Ewwwwwww... 0_0